Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Three

Well, today was a little worse than the past couple... :/ I ate alot of candy today and I feel so bad... but it's whatever. It's Easter weekend, of course I'll be eating unhealthy for the next few days.... unfortunately.

Kolache, a few strips of bacon, and some milk.
Bacon, not too good... but it was a hardy breakfast!

Turkey and Lettuce sandwich, chopped strawberries, mini coca-cola.
Healthy except the coke, but it was miniature and only 90 calories!

pork chops, corn, and water.
Healthy. Gives me my meat supplement, vegetable, and water is good for you.

now the snack part is where it turns around...

Snacks and drinks in between:
some kind of truffle thing, ear to a chocolate bunny, peanut butter chocolate egg, jolly rancher, ring pop, a few glasses of milk.
I feel HORRIBLE! D: This is pretty bad.... but the next few days are going to be rough on eating healthy(Easter, leftover Easter candy, good friday...) Please don't get mad at me. :)

Oh and I also ate some fried chicken....



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