Friday, April 2, 2010

Day Four


Today was horrible. Two words: Crawfish Boil. Yall know what goes down at a crawfish boil....... crawfish, shrimp, candy, coke, peach cobbler, ice cream..... yeah, it's Easter weekend. I think I'll start posting again in a few days. When things are back to normal. xD

Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Three

Well, today was a little worse than the past couple... :/ I ate alot of candy today and I feel so bad... but it's whatever. It's Easter weekend, of course I'll be eating unhealthy for the next few days.... unfortunately.

Kolache, a few strips of bacon, and some milk.
Bacon, not too good... but it was a hardy breakfast!

Turkey and Lettuce sandwich, chopped strawberries, mini coca-cola.
Healthy except the coke, but it was miniature and only 90 calories!

pork chops, corn, and water.
Healthy. Gives me my meat supplement, vegetable, and water is good for you.

now the snack part is where it turns around...

Snacks and drinks in between:
some kind of truffle thing, ear to a chocolate bunny, peanut butter chocolate egg, jolly rancher, ring pop, a few glasses of milk.
I feel HORRIBLE! D: This is pretty bad.... but the next few days are going to be rough on eating healthy(Easter, leftover Easter candy, good friday...) Please don't get mad at me. :)

Oh and I also ate some fried chicken....



Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day Two

I think I'm doing okay with this. I had a few snacks here and there, but I don't think it's so bad. 

a  piece of toast with butter and jelly.
 I tried to eat two, but I couldn't, my tummy isn't used to a big breakfast yet. I think it's a pretty healthy breakfast though, there wasn't much butter.

PB&J, cookie, water.
Again, cookies not healthy, but I don't have much of a choice. I'm bringing my own lunch tomorrow.

Chicken Pot Pie with a V8 fruit juice.
I do NOT think that was healthy, but it's what my dad cooked, and he would be upset if I didn't eat it, he'd already made my plate and everything. The V8 was healthy though.

Snacks and drinks in between:
Cheese dip with corn chips, cherry coke.
I figure the cheese is good for my dairy supplement and the corn chips help with my grain supplement. Like I previously said, I'm going to have soda every once in a while, so don't bash me for it.

I haven't done my exercises yet today, but I still have time. I guess I'd better get to it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day One

I actually started this a few days ago, but this is my first day to blog about it. Well, for an introduction, I'm Shelby! I'm going to be 15 in two weeks and I am very unhealthy. I tend to eat a very high amount of fatty foods and a scarce amount of healthy ones. Also, I'm very weak. My muscles are very small and I have a hard time with minimal physical tasks. Another motivation for this is my boyfriend, Kyle. He's been trying to get fit and lose weight for a while, but he always loses his inspiration. I am doing this, like I said, for my own health, but also to keep him motivated and healthy. In this expedition, I am going to be working out, as well as eating better. I'm basing my eating habits on the food pyramid. Tips are encouraged! Shall we get started?

  • Today's Eatings
 An apple. 
Sadly, this was very strenuous for me. I usually eat breakfasts way smaller, I guess my tummy needs to get used to a larger breakfast, because small ones are unhealthy.

 A PB&J sandwich, A serving of milk, and a cookie.
The cookie, I know, not such a great idea, but I needed more of a lunch than just a sandwich and milk. My school doesn't have much to choose from when it comes to healthy choices.

 Chicken Stir Fry (on steamed rice), a tortilla, and a bottle of water.
This is actually a very healthy meal. The chicken is grilled, and mixed in with some veggies. The tortilla and rice helps with my supplement of grains for the day. I am going to try to only drink 3 sodas a week, this is going to be the hardest part of this. I figure if I do it in moderation I can do it, but no more that 5, at the MOST, per week. For meals, I'm going to try to drink either water, juice, or milk. I have V8 fruit juice, and it's great because it's a good fiber supplement and helps with my digestive tract. I need a glass a day anyway, so why not have it with a meal?

 A small bowl of grapes.
This is good because it helps me get my supplement of fruits for the day, and grapes are truly amazing! 

Snacks and drinks in between: 
 Small chocolate samples, Slice of cookie cake, a few hot cheetos, V8 juice, a few pretzels.
The chocolate was a bad idea, but you can't blame me, blame the Social Studies department at my school. We did a project on different types of Chocolate companies, and it was extra credit to bring samples for the class. Someone brought a cookie cake in (for some reason, I guess just for the class to enjoy). I had a small bag of Hot cheetos left in my pantry, so I decided to get rid of them. I'm just starting off, so of course I'm not going to do this exactly right at first. I'm getting the gist of it though!

Here's some background information about myself:
 When I'm older, I wish to be a musician. If I'm weak, how am I going to carry around my music equipment?

I don't have any weights, so this is my plan; Everyday, I am going to bench my Guitar for 5 minutes, and my Bass for 5 minutes. It sounds silly but I know it will work. :) Also, by drinking milk and being more active, My muscles and bones will build up.

Thank you so much for reading, and for your support. I should be posting everyday. If I skip a day, no biggie. And please, don't be TOO hard on me. I'm going to be eating junk food every once in a while, you ARE supposed to have a limited amount of fat in your diet. Well, goodbye for today! Send me tips and recipes and all that jazz. ;)